If you enjoy a fun night out and are in Dubai on just about any Monday night of the year, then you could do a lot worse than join @The.Dylan.Show at The Radisson Red for the best quiz in Dubai.
Starting at 8pm in the courtyard (winter) or inside (summer), Dylan puts on a fun team quiz for all comers. You don’t need to book. Just show up with a few friends and be prepared to rack your brains and look either brilliant or less brilliant depending on the question.

Quiz Rules
Obviously this is a fun quiz but there still have to be rules to make it all work. So here are the rules:
- The Quiz Master is always right
- If you think he has made a mistake, refer to one above!
- No mobile phones/smart watches/modern tech allowed – use of any of these leads to instant disqualification! And he means it – which is great.
The exception to rule 3 (there are always exceptions) is when the Hitmix Bingo is in play between the quiz questions, then you are allowed to use any music app you want because it’s more about the bingo than the music.

A Show For All Ages and Capabilities
We have been to this quiz on several different visits to Dubai, and we have always felt welcome and had a great evening.
On this evening we had our adult children and our Italian “daughter” (from Rotary Exchange days many moons ago) and her boyfriend for company. Sitting at the next table was a family consisting of grandparents, parents, and children. Behind us was a table of Emirates cabin crew youngsters.
Each team gets to give themselves a name, and so given the presence of our Italian connection , we named ourselves The Italian Job for the evening.

The quiz is divided into sections. Normally you do 2 sections, then swop papers with another team for marking, then the next 2 sections and so on.
Just to make the marking a bit more complicated, this is when the music bingo started. So even marking became a team effort! One marking, another adding up marks while the remainder of the team tried to keep on top of things for everyone’s (completely different) bingo sheet.
But of course this is a live event, so deviations do occur.
On this occasion, during the second marking session, a balloon juggling contest was held. One member from each team had to keep 2 balloons up in the air for 30 secs using only one hand (the other one firmly planted behind their back).
It sounded absurdly easy but in fact proved quite challenging for many of the participants. But it was well worth it just to see 13 participants of all ages, one hand behind their backs, charging around the courtyard trying to keep 26 orange balloons up in the air for 30 secs.
Those that managed it earned their team a 3 point bonus!
How Difficult Are The Questions?
Like any quiz, you either know the answer to the question – or you don’t.
Except Dylan does throw in the odd one you can try work out like – what is 1249 x 14?
But each section covers a different general theme and usually one section involves a printed sheet. We have had to identify different country’s currencies, country flags, famous couples and so on.
At the end of the day, the score is not important. Yes the top 3 teams get a prize but it’s really about a fun evening out.
As you can see from our evening’s score sheet below, we were hardly brilliant but still came 4th out of 13 teams.

But Wait, There’s More!
So 8pm is an awkward time for some in terms of food. Eat before you go to the quiz or get something afterwards?
Actually neither. You can order drinks and food throughout the quiz proceedings which is what we usually do. The staff have got taking orders and serving food and drinks between questions down to a fine art. On this evening they also joined in the balloon challenge although I am not sure who got awarded their points if they kept their balloons up for 30 secs.
The Evening Concluded with a Jenga Duel
The Music Bingo got more and more interesting as the evening wore on. Everyone had a different sheet so it was a team effort on an individual basis.
First round was for the first to get one complete line in any direction, including diagonally. The second round was the first to complete 2 parallel lines.
The last round was all in – you had to have heard every song on your sheet. Things started getting tense as the songs rolled on with no takers. And then, as is often the case, one song completed the sheet for 3 individuals on 3 different teams.
So what now?
No problem! Dylan whipped out a Jenga set and a three way Jenga duel was arranged.

So next time you are in Dubai on a Monday night, gather up a few friends or acquaintances, engage your brain and head for @The.Dylan.Show at the Radisson Red.
They would love to see you, and if you mention that we sent you along, you might be rewarded with a bonus point or two……or maybe not 🙂